2016 Symposium
*Call for Papers*
41st Annual American Studies Symposium
Purdue University • West Lafayette, IN • April 23-24, 2016
Submission Deadline: March 19, 2016
The American Studies Program at Purdue University announces its 41st Annual Symposium to be held April 23-24, 2016. This event focuses on the presentation of well-developed graduate student work that demonstrates the interdisciplinarity, innovation, and intellectual rigor expected of Purdue’s American Studies students and alumni. The Symposium Committee invites papers from graduate students on all topics of relevance to the field.
To highlight the interdisciplinarity of your research, as well as the ways in which it adds to the direction of American Studies at Purdue, consider proposals that fit within or challenge the boundaries of the program’s seven major fields:
· Activism, Resistance, and Social Movement Studies
· Comparative Race and Ethnic Studies
· Design and Material Cultural Studies
· Gender, Sexuality, and Queer Studies
· New Media and Popular Cultural Studies
· Science, Technology, and Environment Studies
· Transnational American Studies
The Symposium Committee invites all those interested to submit abstracts for individual papers, no longer than 250 words in length, along with a short 200-word biography and a current CV with contact information, especially your email address. Please indicate any audio and/or visual equipment necessary for presentation. Submissions must be made electronically to amstsymposium@purdue.edu no later than March 19, 2016 at 11:59 p.m.